Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation Important Questions | Maharashtra Board | HSC Board | FEB 2025 | 12th Board | Physics

Important Questions on Kinetic Theory Of Gases And Radiation

Q1: Why is it necessary to make assumptions while studying behaviour of a gas? (2 Marks)
Q2: State and explain ( each 1 Marks)

a) wein's displacement law.

b) Stefan's Boltzmann's law .

Q3: Explain Ferry's blackbody with neat labelled diagram. (2 marks)
Q4: Obtain the relation between coefficient of absorption, reflection and transmission. (2 marks).
Q5: Explain graphically spectrum of energy distribution of black body in terms of wavelength. (3 marks)
Q6: State and prove theoretically Krichoff's law of radiation . (3 marks)
Q7: Derive an expression for pressure exerted by a gas on the basis of kinetic theory of gases. (4 marks)
Q8: Derive Mayer's Relation between the molar specific heat of a gas at constant pressure and that at constant volume. (4 marks)
Q9: What will happen to the mean square speed of the molecule of gas if the temperature of the gas increases? (2 marks)
Q8: Write the following. (1 marks each)

i.Define Mean Free Path with formula and SI unit.

ii. Define Coefficient of Absorption.

iii. Define Coefficient of Reflection.

iv. Define Coefficient of Transmission.

v. Define Perfectly black body.

vi. Define athermanous substance.

vii. Define diathermanous substance.

viii. Define emssive power.

ix. Define emissivity.

x. On what factors do the degrees of freedom depend?.

xi. What is an ideal gas?

xii. State the law of equipartition of energy.

xiii. Mention the conditions under which a real gas obeys ideal gas equation .

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Prepared for Class XII Students | Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
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