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The momentum of a body is increased by 50%. The percentage increase in the kinetic energy of the body is _______ %. [8-Apr-2023 shift 1]
A body is dropped on ground from a height ' h1 ' and after hitting the ground, it rebounds to a height ' h2 '. If the ratio of velocities of the body just before and after hitting ground is 4 , then percentage loss in kinetic energy of the body is x/4  The value of x is _______.
A small particle of mass m moves in such a way that its potential energy U = 1 2mω2r2 where ω is constant and r is the distance of the particle from origin. Assuming Bohr's quantization of momentum and circular orbit, the radius of n th orbit will be proportional to,
A ball is dropped from a height of 20m. If the coefficient of restitution for the collision between ball and floor is 0.5, after hitting the floor, the ball rebounds to a height of ________ m.
A solid sphere of mass 1 kg rolls without slipping on a plane surface. Its kinetic energy is 7 × 10−3J. The speed of the centre of mass of the sphere is _______ cm s−1.
100 balls each of mass m moving with speed v simultaneously strike a wall normally and reflected back with same speed, in time t s. The total force exerted by the balls on the wall is
A machine gun of mass 10 kg fires 20g bullets at the rate of 180 bullets per minute with a speed of 100m s−1 each. The recoil velocity of the gun is :
As per the given figure, a small ball P slides down the quadrant of a circle and hits the other ball Q of equal mass which is initially at rest. Neglecting the effect of friction and assume the collision to be elastic, the velocity of ball Q after collision will be
A ball of mass 200g rests on a vertical post of height 20m. A bullet of mass 10g, travelling in horizontal direction, hits the centre of the ball. After collision both travels independently. The ball hits the ground at a distance 30m and the bullet at a distance of 120m from the foot of the post. The value of initial velocity of the bullet will be
A body of mass 1 kg collides head on elastically with a stationary body of mass 3 kg. After collision, the smaller body reverses its direction of motion and moves with a speed of 2m ∕ s. The initial speed of the smaller body before collision is _______ ms−1.
A body of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. It starts moving unidirectionally under the influence of a source of constant power P. Its displacement in 4 s is 1 3α2√Pm. The value of α will be _______
A 0.4 kg mass takes 8 s to reach ground when dropped from a certain height ' P ' above surface of earth. The loss of potential energy in the last second of fall is J.
An object of mass ' m ' initially at rest on a smooth horizontal plane starts moving under the action of force F = 2N. In the process of its linear motion, the angle θ (as shown in figure) between the direction of force and horizontal varies as θ = kx, where k is a constant and x is the distance covered by the object from its initial position. The expression of kinetic energy of the object will be E = n ∕ ksin θ. The value of n is
A body of mass 1 kg begins to move under the action of a time dependent force F=(2t^i+3t2^j)N, where ^i and ^j are unit vectors along x and y axis. What power will be developed by the force at the time t?
A spherical body of mass 2kg starting from rest acquires a kinetic of 10000 j at the end of 5th second.The force acted on the body is ____N.